Hi. I've just updated our gig guide for 2018 and it's very exciting. The great news is that we are continuing our residencies at the Bald Rock and the Bayview. You can click through to see their gig guides and please support venues that support live music. ;)
We will be at the Bald Rock Hotel in Rozelle on the last Sunday of every month. Start time is 5:00 and we play until 8:00. Go there and order the roast of the day. We always do....
We will be at the Bayview Hotel in Gladesville on the second Sunday of every month. Start time is officially 4:30. The burgers are incredible at the Bayview.... Come. Eat. Listen. Dance. Sing along. :)
We've also been hired for a few private parties, house concerts, and weddings in 2018. For information about having the Bell play at your special event, please contact us. We love to provide live music at a party. It's the best way to make the event shine!
We are also organising some special 5 piece Bell events for you, too. When we add drums and bass to our three part harmonies and acoustic guitars it's something special. So stay tuned for those dates to be highlighted.

As always, you can find us on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/thebellsydney) where we give updates to the gig times and reminders about you coming....
See? It's Bellalicious. Thanks for checking us out. :)